Wednesday, February 24, 2010

preparing for multiple scenerios

what is preparedness? Good plans will show positive results whether society completely collapses or gently powers down over a period of decades. I believe locations exist in the more remote areas of the southern Appalachians that can be used as a compound for an extended family or divided into four or five 10 acre tracts and marketed accordingly. The real estate mantra of location applies here in a novel way. Imagining a future with more expensive energy and an increasingly debt-stricken and overwhelmed nation-state, never buy land without a dominant southern orientation, lots of strong springs, and a google map view that shows zero optical detail. The ideal location looks like hazy green horseshoe [ when viewed from google maps ] with the highest ridge to the north and steams and springs running within 10 degrees of due south. Northern access should be very difficult even on foot. [ think vertical cliffs and ice 8 months of the year] Understanding the mindset of any potential competition for these boulder strewn hellscapes can be help full in controlling vehicular access from east and west. On a continuum from starving predator to developer selling 'view lots', visualize 'warlord' as resting dead center between the two and you now have a picture of the real competition. Outsmart him and your kids survive and maybe thrive. till then, dirt time

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